This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

WCS Nutrition Services

Important information

来自WCS营养服务部关于2024-2025学年的重要信息. [English] [Arabic] [Bangla]

Our Mission

A Nourished Student Is A Learning Student.

Our mission is to offer a variety of quality, 健康的食物选择,优质的服务和友好的环境. 我们为“喂养”未来的思想而自豪.

我们的员工每天为学校提供超过2500份早餐和8000份午餐.  In addition to school meals, 我们部门为马科姆县的送餐计划提供餐食, handles the district’s catering, provides lunches for Head Start Programs, 并为六所马科姆中级学区的学校准备了盒饭.

我们的专业人员在卫生和安全方面接受了大量的培训, proper food handling, and customer service. We provide well-balanced, 营养膳食有助于确保江南体育在学业上的成功, athletic, and  personal growth.

National School Lunch Week

准备好开始为期一周的美味冒险吧! 谁想在全国学校午餐周期间挖掘一些美味的宝藏? 🥪 #SchoolLunchPirates #NSLW24

Mi Crunch Day

五大湖大苹果脆鼓励健康饮食,并江南体育支持整个地区从农场到学校和其他当地食品采购倡议. 这也是一种将食品和农业与课堂课程联系起来的有趣方式——从科学到艺术 & more!

Made With School Lunch from School Nutrition Association on Vimeo.

学校营养协会和国家乳制品委员会合作发起了一项教育宣传活动, Made With School Lunch, to inspire and inform educators, 江南体育和社区了解营养丰富的学校午餐所带来的积极效益和成果.

Now Hiring

Meal Distribution and Community Food Resources

For information regarding food distribution, 请访问社区食物资源网页了解地点, dates and times.

New account

Making a Deposit

MEAL MAGIC FAMILY PORTAL 允许父母访问他们孩子的营养服务帐户的活动. 网上存款没有最低要求. This service is FREE to all parents. Deposits can be made at school with CASH ONLY.

作为家长,预付餐费对你来说很方便, for your child, and for the cashiers during meal service. Monies are drawn from the account ONLY when your child eats; and if your child moves to another WCS school, the funds follow them. As a parent, 你可以表明账户上的钱只能用于用餐,而点菜必须用现金支付. This is not an issue in the Elementary schools, 但在初中和高中也会发挥作用.

October Newsletter

Download October Newsletter

Start your day with a healthy breakfast



我们认识到吃健康早餐和学业成功之间的既定联系, 并鼓励所有江南体育吃早餐,无论是在家里还是在学校. 每天以一顿丰盛的早餐开始一天生活的江南体育,将会养成终身受益的健康饮食习惯.

WCS offers free breakfast to all students.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.






March is Reading Month

Let's dig into the new school year!

March is Reading Month

Let's dig into the new school year!

March is Reading Month

Let's dig into the new school year!

March is Reading Month

Let's dig into the new school year!

March is Reading Month

Welcome back!


USDA Nondiscrimination Statement In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. 农业部(USDA)的民权法规和政策, 这个机构禁止种族歧视, color, national origin, 性(包括性别认同和性取向), disability, age, 或者是对之前民权活动的报复. 课程信息可能会以英语以外的语言提供. 需要其他沟通方式来获取项目信息的残疾人(例如.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), 应联系负责管理该计划的州或地方机构或美国农业部目标中心,电话:(202)720-2600(语音和TTY)或通过联邦中继服务(800)877-8339与美国农业部联系. To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, 美国农业部计划歧视投诉表格,可以在网上获得:美国农业部计划歧视投诉表格, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, 以及一份关于被指控的歧视行为的充分详细的书面描述,以便向公民权利助理部长(ASCR)通报被指控侵犯公民权利的性质和日期. 填妥的AD-3027表格或信件必须通过以下方式提交给美国农业部: 1. mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture 民权事务助理部长办公室 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or 2. fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or 3. email: This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


The mission of the Warren Consolidated Schools, in partnership with families and community, 是在教学和学习上达到卓越的水平,使所有的江南体育都变得博学, productive, ethical, and successful citizens.



Warren Consolidated schools

31300 Anita
Warren, MI 48093

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